Marvel's Avengers: 5 Major Concerns Square Enix Must Address

3. Can A Co-Op Superhero Game Actually Work?

Marvels Avengers Worry
Square Enix

Over the years there have been many attempts to create a fun superhero experience - with most of these failing, the titles that were enjoyable really stood out.

As of yet, none of these stand-outs have been anything other than singleplayer experiences.

This is with good reason, with it being incredibly difficult to nail the feel of so many distinct characters in one title (hence the aforementioned concern over the gameplay), and harder so to craft a multiplayer experience, whether that be co-op or competitive, that recreates the unity of the team in the pages of the comics and on the big screen.

It's truly a daunting task that Crystal Dynamics face, and while the studio's talent will more than likely be able to pull off this momentous task, it is also fair for fans to be worried about how fun it actually will actually play come release.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!