Marvel's Spider-Man: 16 Completely Pointless Details (That Will Blow Your Mind)

5. Spidey's Social Feed Reflects Your Actions

Spider Man social feed

Like JJ's podcast keeping tabs on you in a pretty aggressive manner, Spider-Man's own social media feed reflects every last thing you've done, down to individual street crimes and areas you've visited.

Just hit the touchpad and tap square to visit the feed, then scroll through. Sadly you can't reply to any of your 15.3 million fans, but there's everything from citizens thanking you for stopping muggings to likes/dislikes about your costumes, some people remarking on momentous story sequences, and even if they encountered you on the subway during a loading screen.

Still, with nowhere near enough arguing or racism/sexism/The Last Jedi-bashing, is it really an accurate representation of social media?

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