Marvel's The Avengers Game: 10 Things You Need To Know

3. Crystal Dynamics’ Take On Villains

Marvels Avengers Team
Marvel Comics

We didn’t see much of the villains in the trailer itself (just the devastation they wrought), but the game is sure to be packed with them.

We know that we’re getting Crystal Dynamics’ take on them, which likely means taking more inspiration from the comics than the movies. In fact, it would be surprising if Thanos was involved at all.

The Batman games are famed for the seamless way they integrated so many iconic villains, but then Avengers don’t really have a rogues gallery to rival Batman. Still, it will be nice to see them diversify a bit from the movie bad guys.

The Masters Of Evil (possibly led by a more comic version of Zemo), Kang The Conqueror, Count Nefaria and Moonstone all seem like they could play a part, especially if the game takes an Arkham style approach, giving it all they’ve got with villains.

More likely though, it’ll be sticking at a select few and throwing the focus onto the heroes. Either way, the vibe so far is that this is going to take from the comics as much as it does the established characters of the MCU.

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