5. EA Shepard executes BioWare Solus
In one of the defining moments of the game you have a chance to execute your favourite Salarian. Suffice to say, if you were one of those people who pulled the trigger; even if you were on a renegade playthrough, then you should hang your head in shame. While I freely admit; yes I shot Mordin, but in my defence, well umm, anyways. In a YouTube video that showed the death of Mordin Solus, someone posted a rather humorous parody of the events that transpired. Quite frankly though, I find it hard to believe this didnt happen. - EA: Is the ending ready?" - BioWare: "Yes, loaded for dispersal in two months. Procedure traumatic for writers, but not lethal. User feedback invaluable". - EA: "They're ok?" - BioWare: "Headed to safety. Will provide closure, emotional payoff. Fans will rejoice, promising future for our company. Control room at top of development tower - must take elevator up" - EA: "You're going up there?" - BioWare: "Readings indicate possible leak in the ending. Rumors, scripts. Must adjust manually. Ensure quality". - EA: "It's too dangerous, BioWare! We need to get back - Let your two guys handle it!" - BioWare: "Can't trust fate of flagship franchise to two people, without review, without time. Have to go. Running out of time". - EA: "BioWare .. You're not going up". - BioWare: "Not concerned for artistic integrity. Concerned I might discover something. But what .. ah . Why, EA? That desperate for DLC profits? Or that afraid of ending the series?" - EA: "When we talked about DLC before..." - BioWare: "I MADE A MISTAKE!" - BioWare: "I made a mistake .. Focused on profits, short-term gain. Long-term made of short-term profits. Customer loyalty, artistic integrity .. Too many variables. Going up there now" - EA: "BioWare.. Walk away" - BioWare: "...Can't do that, EA" - EA: "I don't have a choice here! Walk away or I will override you!" - BioWare: "Not your decision. Not your game, not your fans, not your story. Had to be me" - BioWare: "Someone else might have gotten it wrong. No time left. Going up. Stop me if you must"