Mass Effect 3: 10 Reason We're Still Playing It

8. Love Interests

In a similar note, the series features several love interests for Commander Shepard. In ME1, the choices were very limited, with only two per gender. The structure opened up a bit more in Mass Effect 2, although it didn't let us reignite our fling from the last game. ME3 goes all out, giving us options for every old character, except Jacob thank god, and also allowed us to be gay or bisexual. Although the decision was met with some controversy, most players didn't mind or accepted the change, and the option was indeed optional. The romances are some of the best use of a character in the series. Liara's romance dialogue in Mass Effect 3 was a particular highlight. We really get to see a new, more personal side of the characters, and it is truly charming to see how Shepard and the character in question grow, both together and individually. It's rare to see such wonderfully engaging characters.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!