Mass Effect 3: PS3 Multiplayer Challenges Forbidden By Sony

PS3 users will no doubt have noticed the conspicuous lack of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer promotions on their platform, and as PC and 360 players enjoy yet another event - Operation Resurgence - this weekend, Sony's faithful might well be looking to point a finger of blame at BioWare. But all accusations of console preference aside - BioWare have courageously shifted the blame to Sony themselves. EA community manager Eduardo Vasconcellos has come out on the official BioWare blog and openly suggested the tech giants are to blame:
"Unfortunately, we are not yet able to offer our Multiplayer Challenge weekends on PlayStation 3. Sony has not yet approved the promotion. We continue to work with them to find a compromise, but until then, Sony will not allow us to run the same Multiplayer Challenges on the PlayStation 3 that we run on Xbox 360 and PC."
That's fair enough... but why, exactly? Sony are yet to respond to the accusation, and BioWare haven't clarified exactly what the issue is that requires compromise, but you have to imagine it has something to do with the almighty dollar. The Operation Resurgence multiplayer promotion, which will open this weekend, will link to the new Resurgence DLC, boosting the playing experience of the free expansion's new maps by 10 per cent as well as offering a guaranteed character unlock from one of the new classes.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.