Mass Effect 4: 10 Most Believable Rumours You Need To Know

10. Shepard's Kid Is The Hero

Bioware might have found the only way to continue the look of your character into the next game, without resorting to hacking Shepard's face to pieces like in the second one. It was always a bit weird how in ME3 you could just straight-up remix your face again like at the start of part two, with zero reasoning given other than assumedly thanks to the Cerberus' surgeons, Shepard's face was like some sci-fi version of a Mr. Potato Head. Going forward there's been much talk from Bioware of establishing a 'very different context' for the franchise, which if they want to delve into the whole 'sins of the father' angle, depending on how much of a tearaway your original version of Shep was, there could be quite the galaxy's worth of loose ends to tie up, alongside tumultuous race-relations to mend over.
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