Mass Effect 4: 10 Playable Races That Would Change Everything

1. Geth

Who doesn't want to play as a whopping great mechanical death-bot slowly discovering they can understand more and more about the world around them? The Geth were first thought to be yet another evil mechanical race who only existed for you to practice blowing their heads off, but as the trilogy played out the realisation that they'd been created by the Quarians as a work force that slowly unshackled their own bonds and set off on their own was the sort of plotline only Bioware could write so impeccably well. Sadly, although you did get to recruit a Geth in the form of Mass Effect 2's Legion, he came way too late in the story to have any worthwhile impact; something that was rectified more in ME3 but left plenty to be explored. From showing the Quarians as driving taskmasters to escaping the Migrant Fleet and then the wondrous idea of building their own civilisation from the ground-up, Rise of the Planet of the Apes style, a Geth-fronted Mass Effect would be amazing. Which races did you just love hanging around with, and would love to play as? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to like our new Gaming Facebook page!
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