Mass Effect 4: 10 Things That Must Be Revealed At E3

6. The Story

Mass Effect 4

As of this writing, the story for the next Mass Effect is, for the most part, still a mystery. All that is known so far is that it is neither sequel nor prequel and you will be exploring a new star cluster as you attempt to establish a new home for humanity.

Considering the way the trilogy ended makes this premise even more intriguing, thus generating even more questions. If this new game isn’t a sequel or prequel, at what time does it take it place? Is it outside of time? Why is humanity searching for a new home? So much has been made about the distance this new game has with the trilogy that it almost sounds like a completely separate entity.

While Bioware should certainly continue holding most of their cards to the chest, they should throw fans a bone and reveal a bit more about the story at E3. Not too much, but just enough to give them an idea for what they can look forward to next year.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.