Mass Effect 4: 10 Ways To Fix A Broken Series

7. Fluid Class System

The class system in the Mass Effect games is prominent and potent enough that it's a sure blast to play through each game multiple times as a different type of character, and the sheer number of abilities that each class is privy to makes each experience a distinct one, such that you're definitely going to have a class you love, and a class that you hate. However, one can't help but feel the game could open up even more if BioWare essentially turned these abilities into a Pick 'N Mix of sorts, allowing the player to cherry-pick the abilities they want from each class into a new sub-class. The potential here is huge; players could essentially make their own cross-breeds, and combined with a proper co-op campaign, will make for some awesome match-ups when the bad guys show up. One franchise they might want to look to - despite its recent critical downturn - is Final Fantasy; the newer, albeit less-heralded games have introduced fluid class systems, whereby with the touch of a button you can change classes and endow yourselves with a new set of abilities with which to fell the foes. While we wouldn't suggest something quite so...fantastical, the ability to queue up compatible and contrasting abilities would make our characters feel more three-dimensional and versatile, rather than a generic grunt, tank, medic or mage-type character.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]