Mass Effect 4: 12 Mistakes Bioware's Next Gen Sequel Must Avoid

2. Saving The Galaxy... Again

Another thing Bioware Montreal should avoid is a "save the galaxy" plot. If the intent is to avoid comparisons with the Shepard trilogy, as they seem to be doing by not calling the game ME4, then redoing the same plot is a step in the wrong direction. Not only that, but it's a bad move for a game that has to rebuild interest in the Mass Effect franchise after ME3 literally blew up the setting that attracted people to it in the first place. And to be honest, everyone wants to forget as much of ME3 as possible. Another save the galaxy plot would just rip that scab off and make everyone paranoid about whether these new games will wind up ending as poorly as the Shepard trilogy did. Not only that, but these days, it feels like too many games are "save the world as we know it" deals. Mass Effect 1 stood out because, like Star Trek, it had a fairly bright and optimistic future, which was a big part of its appeal. Returning to a save the galaxy plot would make the game feel a lot more generic, especially when new games like Watch_Dogs are going for more personal stories with smaller stakes. A combination of brighter tone and a story with smaller stakes would make ME4 feel like a step forward for the franchise and a deeper exploration of the ME universe.

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