Mass Effect 4 Wishlist: 11 Things Fans Demand

5. Reasons To Mix Up Your Squad In The Field

Building on the combat refinement options, there needs to be more opportunities within the deployment of your squad. Say you have Tali/an established tech specialist with you, maybe they could open a door that otherwise wouldn't be hack-able if you had a brute force-focussed team. Essentially in the past games you only chose your partners based on either wanting to hear their dialogue or because they had one particular attack you liked having quick-access too (like a life-saving Concussive Shot) - or you thought bringing along someone like Miranda would help your chances at romance somewhere down the line. However, the idea of varying up who you're playing with to gain access to other items, routes or NPC-specific dialogue is a must for the sake of replayability alongside just the fun of hearing all of Bioware's consistently-brilliant writing.
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