Mass Effect 5 Wishlist: 10 Things Fans NEED To See

4. New Races

Mass Effect 5

Mass Effect Andromeda opened up a whole new galaxy... so why exactly did we spend most of our time with Humans, Asari, Krogans and Turians? Vetra being a female hardly counts as something new.

Even the supporting cast were races we’d seen before, with Salarians mostly pottering away in the background. The Kett were just bland bad guy bingo, the Remnant were Reapers but not, so the only real newbies were the Angara.

The pros and cons of the Angara don’t really matter; although some fans would argue the cons outweigh the pros anyway. What matters is that in an expansive, lush new galaxy for us to explore fresh, there was one new race, a by-the-numbers villain and yet more bad machines.

If the circumstances of the game means it’s unrealistic to include new races (setting everything in the past, for example), the whole Drell and Hanar history point becomes all the more important.

Yes, Quarians need to be there, and other major races too, but the other minor races need some of the spotlight. Of course, there is a straightforward way to ensure certain races get more of a look in.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)