Mass Effect: Andromeda - 10 Big Questions We're Asking After E3

10. How Much Of That Trailer Was In-Engine? Bioware note on their official page that the trailer itself was built using the Frostbite engine (EA's formerly Battlefield-only piece of tech that makes that franchise look absolutely spectacular) - however the point remains; why show off such a sparse amount of potentially in-game footage, if you're not going to go the whole hog? Fans were suitably doing backflips when they got eyes on a figure in space armour flicking through a number of locales as the realisation settled in Mass Effect was happening... only for the footage to whip through shots of melee combat, jetpacks and one hell of a fast-moving Mako in quick succession. Needless to say the opening shot of a certain N7 character walking towards the screen was definitely CG - something that considering his armour looked to have elements of customisation, potentially shows off what such things will look like in the final build.
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