Mass Effect Andromeda: 15 Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

7. Conrad Verner's Sister (Mass Effect)

One for the hardcore Mass Effect fans, Conrad Verner was a recurring character in the original trilogy, most associated with being a 'huge fan' of Shepard and his presence amongst the Citadel, and in the mythology. You could even do a full mission with him in Mass Effect 2.

In Andromeda, it's his sister that made the leap across to the new galaxy, who you can find at Kadara Port. Talking to her reveals that his fanaticism has painted Conrad as a "couple quarts low on eezo" (Element Zero), and though you can't embark on any meaningful content with Cassandra Verner, it's a very cool nod to a character many fans will remember immediately.

Could the Verners become Mass Effect's version of Johnny Sasaki from the Metal Gear series?

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