Mass Effect Andromeda Launch Trailer: 22 Things You Must See

16. The Remnant

Mass Effect Andromeda - Peebee and Ryder

The Remnant are still very much a mystery, which is exactly what they want them to be.

Knowing too much would put a dampener on the exploration aspect of finding out who and what they are, and I for one want to know a lot more about this species.

What we do know is they are some form of synthetic race and serve a similar purpose to the Protheans in the Mass Effect 1-3, a race that died out.

Mass Effect Andromeda - Remnant Tomb

This looks to be one of the Remnant tombs that we first saw in the very first glimpse of gameplay from Andromeda. It’s quite unlike anything we’ve seen before from the series but how these tombs factor into the core story is yet unclear.

But, there have been whispers of a Remnant city. More on that later.

The Kett are interested in them, which can only mean trouble.

Mass Effect Andromeda

Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down