Mass Effect Legendary Edition - 12 Overlooked Changes Fans Will LOVE
9. Galactic Readiness Is Now Powered By Entire Trilogy Completion
This, right here, is a genius tweak.
Where the Mass Effect 3 of 2012 was practically dragged, kicking and screaming, into a multiplayer-bolstered release, 2021 is a totally different story.
With EA's tendrils removed and the notion of having to play multiplayer matches to up your "Galactic Readiness" stat taken away, what determines many aspects of endgame fights now directly hinges on completing both previous titles before the finale.
Honestly, it should've always been this way. Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was surprisingly solid gameplay-wise, but its mission design was not. Put simply: Nobody bought the conclusion of a five year character-driven saga to get lost in online multiplayer instead.
Beating Mass Effect 1 and 2 starts your Galactic Readiness meter higher than if not, and while you can still get one of the best endings by completing every last side quest in ME3 if you're starting on the third instalment, this brings the whole trilogy together FAR more naturally.