Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

20. Realising The 'Back Of The CD Case' Was Literal

Plenty people point to the first MGS as their first truly cinematic gaming experience. Never before had you played a character that felt so fleshed out and 'real'; and such was with David Hayter's immediately-iconic performance, that voice and those one-liners, it made you feel like every inch of the experience was lovingly crafted. Come the part where you're suddenly in possession of a CD case with incredible importance whose previous owner mentions that a Codec (radio) frequency is on its back, thousands of us then tried in vein to find an 'Inspect' or 'flip over' prompt for it in the inventory. Of course there were others who looked at the back of the physical MGS box you had in real life and discovered the relevant information instead. Genius.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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