Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

1. Metal Gear Solid

The one all-encompassing thing that makes you love Kojima will forever be his greatest creation and everything about it. From wholeheartedly inventing stealth as Kojima himself had a lightbulb moment and wanted to avoid enemy placements in the original Metal Gear instead of fighting them, to rendering and directing levels and cutscenes with Lego models in pre-production so both him and his team could understand how 3D even worked for the PlayStation debut - the series will remain as one of the bastions of innovation and originality through and through. MGS 4's plot-wrap of cutscenes and the final showdown between Snake and Big Boss proved all along Hideo knew exactly how to deliver on what people wanted to see, and with Phantom Pain 99% certainly being his last tango with Snake and friends, it all combines to leave one hell of a legacy from his 30 year tenure at Konami. Here's to Hideo, and wherever he ends up after everything settles down again. What things both big and small made you love Kojima and Metal Gear Solid? Let us know in the comments!
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