Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

17. The Ladder - MGS 3

"What a thrill..." There's one moment in MGS 3: Snake Eater where right in the middle of all the plot-happenings and weighty dialogue exchanges you're presented with a ladder... one that goes on and on (and on) for what feels like an eternity - all whilst the Snake Eater theme song plays in the background. It's such a surreal moment, and one that made plenty people question whether they were playing through a glitch or some other on-disc bug (these were the days before patches and the like), but instead it was just Kojima's way of forcing you to take in everything that's happening. Memes sprung up all around purporting to Snake's greatest enemy being... The Ladder! As well as it appearing on every 'Greatest Bosses In Gaming' lists for a few years after just for kicks.
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