Metal Gear Solid: 20 Things That Made You Love Hideo Kojima

15. Not Giving A Hoot About Continuing The Tone Of MGS 1

Maybe it's down to the age any 90's gamer played this at the time, but as crazy as it is to say; something about MGS 1 felt real and believable. You pretty much bought that Psycho Mantis was a really talented telekinetic soldier, that Liquid could be Snake's clone and that Otacon's stealth camouflage could actually exist. Then MGS 2 happened, and it was fat dudes on roller skates, a woman who dodged bullets without realising how or why, a vampire who could run on water - and the former president of the United States in an armoured octopus suit. Everyone went along with it at the time, but looking back you could tell Konami's executives were just thinking "Well Hideo, we weren't expecting this first game to do this well so... do whatever you like!" Thankfully, he did.
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