I've played my fair share of confusing games. I spent about two hours earlier this year staring at the wall, wondering just what the hell happened after I'd completed Bioshock Infinite. I'm still not quite sure, to be honest. However, that confusing game pales in comparison to the Metal Gear series. Packed full of memes, genes and possibly some spleens, rogue A.I. that enslaves the world, immortal warriors, cyborgs, unnecessary nakedness, ludicrous technology, extremely long cutscenes and - occasionally - some gameplay, the world of Metal Gear Solid, even for a veteran who has played them all, is a brain squeezer (and a half). I still have absolutely no idea what Metal Gear Solid 2 was about. I've played it about eight times, and it's only as I hurtled towards adult life that I finally grasped all of the themes and the complex nature the plot turned through. Metal Gear 3 was a bit easier to follow. Metal Gear 4 was complete nonsense if you hadn't played the others. In a series that's been around for 25 years, then, there are bound to be loads of plot points still hanging. Hopefully the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V - which is split into two parts: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain - will begin to address some of the series' mysteries. The following list contains of the some plot points we hope find themselves tied up in Metal Gear Solid V (you should note that MGSV takes place
before MGS1, MGS2 and MGS4. It follows on the storyline addressed in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker).