Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain - 10 Huge Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

7. There's Almost No Need To Modify Anything

It's always a problem for games like this; you have an entire world of modifiable weaponry and items open to you, but once you've settled on a combo that works and sees you through a mission, you're almost never going to change. Personally my side weapons were a stun-round SMG and Boss' shock arm upgrade, with primary being an suppressed assault rifle and an alternating slot for either a sniper rifle or rocket launcher, depending on the mission. At no point did I feel the need to switch anything up - after all if I wanted to kill, I could, and if I wanted to stun, the option was right there too. It resulted in the only thing that would've benefitted my playstyle - more suppressors - being nowhere to be found, and unless you want to try out a bevy of different guns for the sake of it (which admittedly, is fun) there's never a genuine need to adapt to your enemy, nor are they to you, outside of getting better armour or surveillance equipment. Developing armour-piercing rounds, having a way to stymy the flow of shields or riot armour yourself rather than have your soldiers to it exclusively, would've gone a long way.
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Gaming Editor

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