Metal Gear Solid V: Ranking The Missions From Worst To Best

29. Close Contact (Episode 24)

Overview: Rescue the two civilian engineers, one male, one female, being held at Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post. The were sent to the area by a medical NGO, but subsequently went missing. Episode 24 arrives at a point where MGS V suffers a major sag in pacing: the Skulls have been gone for a while, and though you've just been introduced to Eli, there haven't been any big, important missions for some time. This mission is another straight-forward extraction, though at least this time there's two people you need to grab. Still, the base is incredibly small and can be wiped out super-fast, so you shouldn't much have trouble rinsing this one inside of just a few minutes. At a point in the game where the story missions could really have used a boost, this was just too samey and generic.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.