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5. Microsoft Dominate The Next Generation

Xbox One

VERY rare is the game company that stays on top for two cycles in a row. Nintendo's SNES run was upended by Sony's PlayStation, flattening the N64 in the process. This led to the PS2 receiving meteoric sales (such is the rarity of Sony staying in the lead), only for the PS3 to be destroyed by the Xbox 360. This then inverted with the Xbox One falling off the face of the Earth, and the rise of Sony and the PS4 once again.

Going into the next generation, yes the PS4 is way, way out in front, but that love is unlikely to last if Microsoft can manufacture a business strategy that exceeds where Sony continue to fall down. Namely: Backwards compatibility and actually creating services that literally are "for the players."

Simply put: You shouldn't be forking out for an "HD updated" version of something you already own. Microsoft know this, and it's been a joy putting an old disc back in your Xbox One, without the need to pay an additional fee.

Outside of this, Microsoft have a strong back-catalogue of titles that - all in one place, with the right pricing strategy and with more coming on the horizon - could topple the PS4. Just look at the Switch: People want games, and though the PS4 has exclusives out the wazoo, well, do you watch more Amazon Prime Originals than what else is on offer?


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