Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor - 8 Reasons To Be Excited

5. Wraith Powers

While you will have all seen similar modes in other games before, generally these are only used for picking out enemies or items in the environment. But in Shadow of Mordor the powers allow for the player to identify specific enemies in the field and to provide virtual superpowers. For example, they grant Talion the ability to slow down time so that he might shoot a fleeing enemy. As seen in the footage released so far, the player can also release bursts of energy in the middle of combat to knock back their foes. So it seems like these wraith powers will be the game€™s means of providing a similar abilities to some of the manoeuvres executed by Batman in the Arkham franchise. But perhaps it is this time control that will prove the most interesting, as everyone loves the feature from Max Payne as it provides an interesting cinematic effect and a new dimension to the game. The developers should be able to take this in a wide number of intriguing and varied directions through the flow of the game. It€™ll be interesting just to see what will be cooked up when the option to dive through a door whilst firing two pistols in slow motion simply isn€™t on the table. Tiny crossbows perhaps?

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.