Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor - 8 Reasons To Be Excited

4. Mind Control

One further point that the wraith powers lends itself to is the ability to control orcs during the journey around Mordor. This can both be in combat to lend some help, and to set them off on missions to scout out or assassinate other members of the orc hierarchy. But this possession isn€™t limited to just orcs, as previously released footage has shown that other creatures (such as trolls) can be subverted to the player€™s needs. It€™ll also enable the player to move around the countryside quicker as horses tend to be considered a snack in Mordor; instead Talion can mind control a warg as a mount and even ride it into combat. No word yet on the likes of a Mumakil appearing €“ perhaps Monolith will keep that idea in reserve for DLC or a sequel. With other more humanoid enemies being shown in the CGI footage, it suggests that orcs and trolls aren€™t the only enemy types that the player will have to go up against and it is yet to be seen if they can mind control them. What seems likely is that the aim of Talion is to gather an orc force of his own to pose a threat to the Black Hand and Sauron.

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