Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War - 7 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

3. A TON Of Additional (Optional) Content

shadow of mordor

Whichever company gets labelled as the Absolute Dog Worst tends to oscillate every couple of years. First it was EA holding back essential DLC for Mass Effect 3 and crippling Dead Space 3's original direction, then Ubisoft started churning out games with more bugs than a Resident Evil boss, and now Warner Bros. are holding aloft the torch of bullsh*t with their Mortal Kombat microtransaction fatalities.

Granted, the original Shadow of Mordor had its own bevy of additional factions you could 'plug into' the main game, but right off the bat, Shadow of War is going to feature a 'Gold Edition' (very Ubisoft) with a Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion, Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion, a Gold War Chest and a couple of story packs.

Any 'chests' in particular should already be sending warning signs.

The leak touts that this is "over $125 in total value"... but that's a misnomer. The game is already fully priced, and all these expanded, microtransaction-style additions will surely rinse LOTR fans for as much supplementary cash as possible.

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