Imagine for a minute if you will a Modern Warfare movie: the debris of a collapsed city litters the screen, fires punctuate the blast-dust gloom and in the distance the staccato chorus of gunfire can be heard, announcing the impending arrival of more enemy troops. For now we rest, our hero turns towards us, flecked with blood and grime, the image of authority with his weapon slung comfortably over one shoulder, his men looking to him for approval of their most recent victory and guidance for the next. You probably imagined someone like Sam Worthington: sinewy, poised, the embodiment of the everyman, but wearing the half-glazed, intense glare of a superman. You probably didn't imagine Jonah Hill... Activision have played on that contradiction in the two actors' images by making an excellent, and very funny live action trailer that pits Worthington as a combat veteran alongside Hill's bumbling oaf of a n00b. It's a relationship we've seen in many a war film, with the green new recruit looking up to the combat-worn veteran, only the dynamic here, brilliantly mirrors how that relationship traditionally plays out in MW (and indeed all FPS title) online matches... http://youtu.be/zuzaxlddWbk Brilliant.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is available to buy from tomorrow on
XBox 360,
Wii and
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