Monster Hunter World: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You
8. Push And Hold

Given its heavy RPG leanings, for Capcom to have managed to cut down on the micromanagement side of play in Monster Hunter World to the extent it has is no mean feat, but even so, you'll not escape having to spend a solid amount of time harvesting corpses, juggling backpack space and collecting resources during your adventures.
But a mere few hours in, the process will pass by unnoticed, but as time passes, constantly mashing the collect button will start to grate.
Thank the stars, then, that Capcom, having clearly expected as much, proactively implemented the ability to hold down face buttons to mass collect end-of-stage rewards, saving you from developing the dreaded RSI. The same goes for mining, harvesting and the transfer of resources from the pouch to storage. Just one tap is all it takes.
Such a simple quality of life option it may be, but it's one that developer's all too often forget to implement, and for that, Capcom deserves praise.
It's the simplest things.