Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

5. Always Load Your Slinger

monster hunter world

This is so simple... Capcom didn't include it as part of the tutorial. You'll see your main character utilising the Slinger during cutscenes, most likely wondering how the hell you're supposed to fire anything other than dung and stones.

The answer is you have to equip Slinger ammo like anything else. Be it poisoned throwing blades you can craft or just explosive Redpit projectiles, flick to these in your item pouch by holding L1/LB plus Circle/B or Square/X, then press Square/X to load your equipment.

Note: Picking up any other Slinger ammo will overwrite your selection, and though this can be useful if you want to grab something and shoot a monster to stagger or interrupt its animations, sometimes you'll want to prioritise poison damage or a stunning flash.

Keep an eye on what's in your Slinger pouch, and keep it topped up with what's going to help the most.

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