More Pokémon Revealed In New Trailer For Sun & Moon
We've got some new monsters, but Charizard is still the coolest.

The Pokemon Company have just uploaded a new trailer for their upcoming instalments, Sun and Moon.
Although all the writing featured in the new trailer is in Japanese, new gameplay footages showcases some new Pokemon as well as some old favourites; battling it out, evolving, and doing general Pokemon things.
Some of the new monsters include a brightly coloured fish, a weird square bug-looking... thing, and a new dragon type; not exactly the timeless designs we got from the early Pokemon games, but it's a bit too early to label them rubbish just yet. Still, hopefully we'll be given the opportunity to catch some really cool-looking Pokemon and build a team of complete badasses, rather than an army of small, spherical hamster-types.
Lastly there's a look at what seems to be a new Mega Evolution, so expect a few more of those in the mix. Personally speaking, new Mega Evolutions for the Johto starters would be KILLER!
This is the first new bit of footage we've had from Pokemon since E3 2016, and hopefully they'll release an English alternative in the coming weeks so Western audiences can get the most out of it.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are both scheduled for a November 18 release date. Are you looking forward to catching even more pocket monsters? Let us know in the comments thread below.