Mortal Kombat 1: 22 Biggest WTF Moments

21. The Marvel Factor

mortal kombat 1 ermac king jarrod
NetherRealm Studios

Despite the fact Earthrealm has been at the crux of Mortal Kombat many times, most of humanity are oblivious of the tournament's existence. But in Johnny Cage's ending, Liu Kang reveals the time has come for mankind to learn about the other realms.

Because this is a massive pill to swallow, Cage believes there is only one way society will accept the existence of Outworld, Edenia, and the NetherrRealm:

A cinematic universe.

As dumb as this plan sounds, it actually makes sense. Dumping all the details at once would be met with scorn and ridicule. But if the history of Mortal Kombat was revealed gradually through movies, TV shows, and video games, the public would be more accepting when the truth was revealed.

Even though Cage's heart is in the right place, it's not too hard to believe the Muscles from Malibu put this idea together just to make a quick buck.


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