Mortal Kombat 11: 10 Best Fatalities You Need To See
6. D'Vorah - "New Species"

Insect terror D'Vorah gets two deadly fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11, but if you have to pick one, it's got to be "New Species", simply for just the sheer sense of body horror that it creates.
"New Species" begins with D'Vorah stabbing her opponent with the ovipostor pincers that are attached to her back. She then grabs hold of the struggling opponents and forcibly feeds a stream of disgusting bile containing insect eggs, maggots and who knows what else.
The opponent then violently twitches on the floor as they turn green around the gills.
Out of nowhere, four pincers sprout from their lifeless torso, which splits off from the opponent's lower half as the four pincers cause it to stand straight up.
The camera then closes in on the opponent's skull, which splits open in classic The Thing style to reveal the head of whatever parasitic insectoid head has taken over the corpse, spraying the same repulsive mixture and bloody gore everywhere in a messy explosion.
To pull off this macabre move, you'll need the following input:
PS4 - Back, Forward, Back, X (Close)
Xbox One - Back, Forward, Back, A (Close)
Switch - Back, Forward, Back, B (Close)