Mortal Kombat 11: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. There Are More Combos Than What's On The Moves List

mortal kombat 11

Another staple of the franchise (but one worth repeating to any newcomers) is the relatively short-looking moves list being there for a reason: To encourage experimentation.

Scorpion's for example, will show his "left, left, right" punch combo, but you can throw a kick on the end of that, despite it not appearing on the moves list.

The same goes for every fighter - there are almost always ways to chain a third animation on the end of an already effective manoeuvre - and that goes double for holding down on the D-pad, so your attack goes low.

Make use of these to keep opponents on their toes, and truly flesh our your fighter's entire array of abilities.

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