Mortal Kombat 11: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

8. Focus On Projectile Konsumables To Survive The Living Towers

Mortal Kombat 11 Cetrion Vs Raiden

Urgh... the Living Towers.

Subject of the game's launch day controversy and the one standout negative across the board, here you're going up against fighters who are equipped with tons of modifiers to "increase the challenge". The problem, is everything from damage buffs to animation-slowers, barrages of missiles that freeze characters in place to just getting electrocuted because you're near your opponent, only happen to YOU.

And... the vast majority are unblockable.

Until NetherRealm get out there and tweak what's available, the only way I've found to fight back is investing ENTIRELY in projectiles.

Bo' Rai Cho's farts, Kung Lao's shurikens - anything that gives you instant access to a projectile that will sweep across the field, will ALWAYS interrupt whatever's happening on your opponent's end.

This can stop grapples mid-animation, prevent them catching up to you while you're staggered, and ultimately restore SOME sense of balance in an otherwise turgid mode.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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