Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

10. Johnny Cage

mortal kombat 11 Johnny Cage

Easily the character NetherRealm have had the most fun designing this time, Johnny Cage comes with fatalities that delve into stand-up comedy, alongside a fantastic fourth wall break where he repeatedly attempts to uppercut his opponent's head off, only for multiple "takes" to happen, as it's revealed we're standing on a movie set.

For MK 11's story and Johnny's role in the mythos, NetherRealm have moved away from claiming the Cage lineage is some ethereally powerful "energy" that can topple the likes of Shinnok, instead centring on exploring just how much Johnny has aged since that very first game.

By literally having him hang out with his younger self - a version entirely invested in his image, vs. the modern day Cage who's lost his wife but gained a daughter - it shows how far NetherRealm have come as a studio, and Mortal Kombat as a franchise.

Gameplay-wise, Johnny is enjoyably thunderous; a heftier version of his own daughter, replete with projectiles, backflip kicks and crotch-punches for days.

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