Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking The ENTIRE Roster From Worst To Best

17. The Terminator

mortal kombat 11 spawn

Essentially just Arnold Schwarzenegger with a firearm, The Terminator is a very nice change of pace and a crisp breath of fresh air.

Bringing intellectual properties that maintain unfeigned star power such as this one, provides us with a shining example of how to annihilate the broad competition of other genre giants such as Street Fighter, Tekken and Soul Calibur.

With moves that see the cyber-kinetic juggernaut suppressing his exoskeletal form until the bitter end, a plethora of firearm based scoping methods and an ungodly amount of armour at times. The Terminator manages to allure his opponent into a false sense of security as they strike the titanium titan, only to realise that they should have kept their distance.

We all know what the real selling point of the Terminator is though, don’t we?

Just like the game prior which featured both the Alien Xenomorph as well as the Predator’s, well...Predator. The developers really wanted to treat the fans to some of fictions most legendary speculative match-ups, being one clear and obvious reason for the additional inclusion of Robocop.

Fights don’t get much more metal than this.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: