Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking The ENTIRE Roster From Worst To Best

5. Spawn

mortal kombat 11 spawn

Malebolgia's monster of malice finds himself in his first fighting game guest spot since Soul Calibur 2. But unlike the former, in this franchise; the barbaric beauty of breaking the bones of bestial bastards allows this ferocious freak to be released from his frivolous leash.

Now that his shackles have been shattered. Spawn's endless potential of causing harm is heralded anytime he is selected - with the entity being so highly efficient in homicide that the player (no matter who they are or where their level of experience may lie) could burn through any adversary with the slightest of ease.

No more is this evident than with the unrivalled bedazzlement of weaponry and abilities in his extensive library of moves. Packing guns in his hands, guns in his wings...of all places and even being able to call on the help of necromance'd beings.

Spawn, to put it lightly, is a monsoon of mayhem just waiting to be unleashed by anyone that dares to encounter this echelon of equity.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: