Mortal Kombat 11 Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs

2. An Immaculate Tutorial & Solid Netcode/Online Modes

Mk11 Flawless Block

There’s also one of the best tutorials in fighting game history to help you along, going from the basics to combos to even frame data for each one of your moves. If you want to know which punch will ALWAYS land and give you the upper hand, you can find that stuff out.

Online modes are as standard, with things like the A.I. battles being enjoyable and King of the Hill still being the best thing NetherRealm have thought of for any online fighting game.

Who doesn’t want to fight in front of an online crowd, knowing your next combatant might have spotted a weakness, or if you’re waiting your turn, know that everyone else is rooting for you to win?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.