Mortal Kombat: 20 Horrifically Stomach-Churning Fatalities

4. Kenshi - Scatterbrained

Making explicit use of his telekinesis, the blind swordsman Kenshi begins to slam the opponent repeatedly into the screen with each successive smash battering and bruising the victim. With one final slam, the victim's eyeball sticks to the screen and tears itself from the brain. Not one for stopping there, Kenshi then slices through his foe with The Sword Of Sento and releases his telekinetic hold, dropping both halves of his opponent to the ground. They probably shouldn't have made that joke about the visually challenged in hindsight.

3. Shao Kahn - Great Divide

Shao Kahn, the mighty emperor of Outworld shows his dominance by thrusting his hands directly into the opposer's ribcage, beginning to break his way through the bones and wet tissue until he has split the victim entirely in two, only to then step forward through the messy aftermath. It is such an epic fatality that it was even used in promotional content to advertise the game - namely the gory cinematic trailer which pitted him in battle with Raiden, the God of Thunder.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.