Mortal Kombat X: 10 Shocking Character Omissions That Must Return

3. Nightwolf

Initially birthed from a fan contest that also gave us Stryker and Kabal, his role in MK X was to get mind-controlled by Shinnok's forces, ultimately serving zero purpose in the larger story, despite his considerable powers in tapping into Native American mysticism and folklore. Nightwolf is just badass. Make as many arguments you like about his old school look not 'working' in 2015, it's precisely because he has such a recognisable aesthetic/costume and stature that makes him stand out. Gameplay-wise his range of attacks from bow and arrows to twin daggers and throwable tomahawks just make for a solid fighter all-round, and thanks to MK 9's additional moves letting him do more area-effect attacks, it makes him even better.
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