Barely three months after releasing Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (referred to as Generations from here), Namco Bandai has teased a trailer showcasing development has already begun on the latest series in the game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (referred to as Storm 3 from here). The Storm series is developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco Bandai. With the Naruto manga still ongoing through its climax, Namco Bandai seems to be preparing early for the inevitable end to the Naruto series by making sure they have begun development for their latest Storm game. The Storm series tends to follow the exploits of Naruto fairly closely to the original source, featuring beautiful animation and decent fighting mechanics. The games have been lauded for being able to beautifully replicate the fighting scenes from the anime version of Naruto. Slated for release late next year, Storm 3 should have plenty of time to fill in any extra story content that will appear in the manga from here on out. CyberConnect2 will also be able to tinker with the fighting mechanics in the Storm series that feels great and is great to watch, but often-times has been exploiteable. Hopefully by starting early, and by having plenty of previous experience, they'll be able to smoothen out this new game. Many Storm fans might still be annoyed however, given that some issues with Generations could easily be patched and fixed, but Namco Bandai seem reluctant to waste resources on patching Generations or even previous Storm games. Such actions by the publishers might drive away fans, so they'll need to impress with Storm 3. Fans of the series should try to get in contact with CyberConnect2 through their official website, since the developers previously asked for input during development of Generations. This may mean they'll listen to more fan input on how to better the Storm games. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYid3FW5nyI