NBA 2K16 Player Ratings: 10 Best Point Guards

5. John Wall - 87

The number one draft pick of 2010, John Wall has always been regarded as something of an elite prospect from the point guard position. A player of clear strengths (speed, assists, athleticism) and weaknesses (turnovers, shooting), he has worked hard to improve the slightly slack aspects of his game, while simultaneously developing his weapons. The fact that Wall's improvement has happened alongside a general Washington Wizards resurgence is no coincidence, so crucial is he to the team as a whole. Certain players are often cited as making those around them play better, and Wall is one of the best examples of this in the league. He averaged an astounding 10 assists per game in 2014/15 - second in the NBA - and greatly improved his selection of shots in the process, averaging a career high field goal percentage of .445.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.