NBA 2K20: 8 Things We Want To See In MyTeam

4. A Reward Choice For Completing Domination

NBA 2K20
2K Sports

Domination was fun this year, there's no doubt about it, and it gave players the chance to hone their squads and get used to a playing style.

The end of Domination rewards were, at first glance, something many people considered good prizes, but as the game wore on, you realised they were poor rewards overall. Adding the option to select from a group of players after completing Domination would give users something to play for and ensure not everyone ended up with the same players in the opening weeks of the game.

It wouldn't go amiss for 2K to give away a Galaxy Opal card as a reward either this year. Last year saw three domination modes with amethyst, diamond and pink diamond cards on offer. It wouldn't be the end of the world to see a fourth mode added to allow players to go for those all-important opals.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.