NBA Live 18 Review: 3 Ups & 3 Downs

2. It Tends To Get... Strange

NBA Live

The game needs to switch to the Frostbite engine as soon as possible, because graphically it's simply not impressive.

Player models need to be updated, because the players look more like superheroes than actual people. The differences between different players and their frames aren't stressed enough, which results in too many players looking very similar despite substantial differences regarding their height and/or weight.

There's also a strange aura around them from time to time, but this is due to bad lighting, which makes the court look unnatural; simply too bright. The baskets themselves and crowd look realistic, however these positives get lost when looking at the floor and what's happening on it.

"Strange" is also the nicest way to describe how the players can still score from mid-range or three, despite gameplay sliders being set at zero. Similarly, a slider set at one hundred doesn't guarantee any shot will actually go in. While this might be fine since ridiculous shots won't count anyway, an open shot should guarantee easy points. Here, it doesn't.

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NBA Live 18
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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.