New Bioshock Infinite Trailer
Irrational Games have released a new trailer for the October release.
Irrational Games have released a new trailer that describes one of the new enemies that you will be fighting against in BioShock Infinite. One of the major criticisms from the original BioShock game was the lack of enemy variety and one of the solutions for this was to create an enemy called "Heavy Hitters". Here is the new trailer for BioShock Infinite: According to Ken Levine these enemies:
"act in a very different fashion to the guys with traditional weapons," with some who "rather than a direct attackadd strategic benefits to other enemies."Both factions in the game will use heavy hitters as weapons against you, but they won't necessarily work in tandem with other enemies. However, interestingly enough Levine also mentioned that "Heavy Hitter" will have a story to tell; based on how the faction they are working for and how just by looking at the "Heavy Hitter" you will be able to tell things about a factions themes and beliefs. The expectations for BioShock Infinite has grown slightly out of proportion, at this point the game will be a disappointment if it doesn't win game of the year honors. I just worry that some people will pick this game up expecting it to be something it is not, because at it's core the game is still a first person shooter. An amazingly inventive first person shooter, with more atmosphere and story than most FPSs' combined but a first person shooter non the less. Do you think BioShock Infinite can live up to the immense hype or will it be a disappointment because it doesn't turn out to be a perfect game? Release Date: US October 16, EU October 19