New CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 3 Specs Ops Survival Trailer

It looks exciting and face paced, exactly what you would expect from a Call of Duty game and it shows off it's three modes: single player, a multiplayer component and then the Spec Ops mode which is the co-op portion of the game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 trailer, featuring a look at the Sec Ops portion of the gameplay. It looks exciting and face paced, exactly what you would expect from a Call of Duty game and it shows off it's three modes: single player, a multiplayer component and then the Spec Ops mode which is the co-op portion of the game. Watch the trailer below; Looks great huh? Don't forget to check out our previous article Battlefield 3 vs. Modern Warfare 3 and join in on the rapturous debate about which game is going to kick more ass this year. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is set for a release worldwide on November 8, 2011 and WhatCulture! will be bringing you all the latest news and events ahead of it's release.


I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.