New FemShep Poll to Decide Hair Color for MASS EFFECT 3 Marketing

Vote for what hair colour the female Commander Shepard should have in Mass Effect 3!

A few weeks ago Bioware held a poll to determine what the female Commander Shepard should look like for the marketing purposes of the game; the blonde version won. Now it seems Bioware wants a do-over, sort of. According to BioWare marketing director David Silverman, he believes many people voted because of the hair style and not color. Bioware is now holding another poll to with four different hair colors; red, the original blonde, a darker "dirty" blonde, and a dark brunette. You can vote on your favorite by going to this Facebook page and clicking "like" on the one of your choice. The voting is suppose to run until PAX Prime, so about a week. I think my favorite would have to be either the Red or the dark brunette pictured above. I wonder how far this voting will go do we get to decide skin color, eye color, or maybe breast size? What is your favorite FemShep hair color?

I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.