Ninja Gaiden 3 DLC Wishlist
With some poor reviews coming for Team Ninja's first addition to the Ninja Gaiden series, we look at how they can claw the game back from the brink with some ideal DLC picks.
here should do just fine to catch yourself up. Ninja Gaiden 3 had some solid ideas at it's core that never felt fully fleshed out. It's a sad thing too, because it had the potential to be an awesome addition to the series. In the end it felt that Team-Ninja declawed their lion of a game, then set it loose in the wild only to be feasted upon by the beasts of our new generation. Well I've devised a few ideas that may potentially help the game defend itself post launch.
By the end of the third chapter I found myself nodding off to sleep. Something that no action gamer should EVER be doing with a controller in their hand. The sheer amount of repetition within the gameplay quickly resulted in the act of slicing and spilling blood to shift into a repetitive chore. You would see Ryu Hayabusa perform the same bone grinding slices play on loop, and the intense visceral feeling it gave quickly wore off. Perhaps Team-Ninja could update the game with additional animations, expand the combo tree, and include more unique QTEs. This would drastically improve the appeal of the combat, while increasing the game's variety in combat. Also, can we please get Ryu at least moving counter clockwise when he changes into a dragon? Any variety here would be much appreciated.
Ninja Gaiden has always been about the intense close quarter combat. Ryu slides, dashes, and glides his way within striking distance plunging his sword deep into his foes. Fountains of blood become your reward. Unfortunately, the difficulty level never truly felt the same with the latest installment, especially on higher difficulties. It wasn't that the enemies were more aggressive, or would attack in swarms, or would even attack you differently, they simply did more damage. Simply changing the damage you take didn't make the game harder, or more challenging. It felt lazy. In future DLC, it would be an excellent addition to perhaps update/tweak the higher difficulties. If Team-Ninja threw in some more variety in the enemies as well, you definitely won't hear me complaining.
Personally, I did have a little bit of fun with the multiplayer component. At the end of it all though, even this concept felt underdeveloped. Including the ability to unlock and customize your avatar was an excellent addition. Dynamic objectives pop up as you play throughout a match, which added to the overall experience. If Team-Ninja includes a multiplayer expansion, it would be great to see what they can do with this branch of the game. Given a little more development time and focus it could find a great player base. Including unique multiplayer skins and customization options, new weapons to use, different stages, and even new types of objectives would bring a more longevity. An awesome start to matches could take a cue from the single player. Imagine diving into the map from a helicopter diving on top of your enemies. Racking up enough brutal kills in a row would allow your entire team to get the drop on your enemies.
1) New Move Sets/Combos

2) Expand the Idea of Morality
Many moments of the game found Ryu stalking toward his enemies as they cower in fear. Pleading for mercy, he inevitably struck his enemies down with brutal slices of his katana. These events in the game simply fell short of maintaining their impact to truly bring any emotional response. As the credits roll, it doesn't feel that Ryu even questioned his actions. I loved the idea that players might have had a choice of sparing lives, but the game never actually delivered. In the first stage of the game players come across a large group of enemies that drop their weapons and plead with you to spare them. Whether you slice them all down, or spare them the game plays out the same and fails to truly bring any real connection to the player. It would have been interesting for Ninja Gaiden 3 to have branching story paths where sparing lives grants you a different ending. With a DLC expansion, Team-Ninja could offer up a level where sparing a life gives you actual options. It's worth a shot. If all goes well, maybe they will implement this idea into a fourth installment.3) New Enemies/A.I.

4) New Multiplayer Content